Sunday, February 6, 2011

Calgon....take me away!

Alyssa's new thing is to be constly saying the word MA-MA!  It was cute at first, but she says it over and over and over and over.  Jamie suggested that if I say "what" after she says my name that she will understand what she is saying. success on that one!!  What winds up happening is, she says Ma-ma and I say what and we repeat about four or five times until I give up!  I should try to keep a count on how many times she says my name over and over in one day. detail I forgot to tell, she says MA-MA in her loud voice!  Both of my kids have loud voices....I think it's pay back for all of my loud cheerleading days.  Today, I had Alyssa repeatedly saying my name and Trinity repeatedly talking about this stinking American Girl Doll.....there was a brief moment where I really needed Calgon to take me far far away!  ha

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