Friday, September 25, 2009

Catch up

Best cousins! Trinity,Alyssa, Mary and Maddie! I love this picture! I'm not sure what she was looking at. She loves to have her clothes off, so she was in a really good mood. Her hair....what can I say, hopefully it will lay down soon.Of course, since sister didn't have a shirt on then Trinity had to do the same.Trinity looking super cute in her new outfit! She is loving kindergarten. Her favorite parts about school....recess (of course), library and music. Now if we can keep her from talking so much in class, then we will be good.

We've had a little bit of trouble with her crying a lot, but I think now that she is six weeks old we have turned a corner ( that and we switched to soy formula). Isn't she just the cutest!!

I haven't posted in a while and thought I would catch everyone up on the skinny with the us.
I'm sure most of you know that we are going to Korea in October (by we I mean Jamie, me, Nic, Mike, Aimee and Dad) to visit the homeland and meet dad's birth mother! (it has been confirmed through dna testing, she is his mother). Talk about a once in a life
time opportunity! I am very thankful to be able to go on this adventure.
My last and FINAL maternity leave is over. I go back to work next week.

1 comment:

Imelda said...

Oh're going to korea??? How fun! We're planning to go to Indonesia next year. And that will be Lucas 1st time ...can't wait. Your girls are just too cute!