Friday, June 26, 2009

Baby date

I went to the doctor on Monday, and he said he would induce me on August 10th or 11th! That means I only have 6 weeks left to go ( I mean 6 weeks from this's almost Sunday so lets go ahead and count from there)!! So, that's the time line for baby in case you were wondering. I'm always up for having her early, though.

The heat is way too hot for pregnant people. Plus, I don't remember having so many aches and pains when I was pregs with Trinity. Maybe it's because I'm older....who knows? I do know that I'm NOT one of those girls that loves to be pregnant! It is not my thing...I'm ready to be normal in normal clothes, work out, run and...heck, have a drink if I want to. I don't even care if she keeps me up all night, because at least I won't be pregnant! I'm almost done I'm almost done....that's what I have to keep telling myself. : )

My goal for our girls, that they are always close and look out for one sisters!!

Alyssa's room is almost done and it looks too cute thus far! Lots of purple. I'll put up pictures as soon as I'm done.

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