Saturday, May 2, 2009

I got my mothers day present iphone!! I have been talking about one for a while now. It is the coolest thing ever and I love love it!! I wasted most of my afternoon messing with it though. Today was perfect for not getting much done, it's been pouring all day long. It's easy to be lazy when it's nasty outside.

Enough already, the rain can stop now! Our newly planted garden is being drowned to death. We have only had to water it one time, the rest has been with rain. Plus, our yard is a small pond now. I really need to see some sunshine.

I have decided that when baby Alyssa is born and we are leaving the hospital, the girls are going to wear matching outfits. Won't that be the cutiest?

I really need another opinion... look at my post of Trinity's bedding.

We have been looking for a new dresser right? Originially I was thinking a white dresser, but now I'm kind of thinking black. We are going to paint her room a soft soft pink and black might look really good with it all. Plus I could make her a black polka-dotted headboard. I'm just not 100% sure what will look the cutiest. Need help.


The Lada Family said...

I love black furniture and think it would look awesome with her bedding. The contrast between the soft pink and the black would look really good!
I made one of those pillows today. It's SUPER cute, but it literally took me ALL DAY. Now that I've made one I think the next one will go quicker. I'll bring it to work Tuesday.

Imelda said...

Agree! I think the black dresser will be perfect for her room. And LOVE the idea of polkadot headboard. I'm a big fan of polkadot stuff. Lucas' nursery is blue and brown polkadot and I made an art frame with his name on it(blue and brown polkadot, of course:) to match his bedding. Good Luck! Make sure you take some pictures of the room when it's done.

Jim Methvin said...

Black makes a great accent any time. Also have you thought about using a metal hanging or gate for her headboard?