Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring time

Tinity had another soccer game this morning and it was raining. I'm just going to say....five years old is too young to have to play in the cold rain!! Do they even care if are kids get sick? I mean it's not like we are at the soccer level where it reallly counts....they don't even keep official score! Plus, my hair does some crazy things in the rain...ha! Thankfully, they played a very short game and I had an umbrella. I guess they could see that parents were not thrilled about their kids being out when it's cold and wet.
What really shocked me, though, was the fact that there was a lady with her small baby (still in an infant carrier) standing there watching her older kid play. Hello!...don't get a baby out when it's cold and raining. Plus this poor thing had no socks on. Are people crazy?

We are having our first yard sale in April. Anything we don't, or haven't used in a while is going to be sold! I want to make some good money. I have this list of things that I want for this new baby and of course they all cost a couple hundred dollars each. I hope I don't sound like a brat... it's just that I know what I want, and I don't want to settle for the cheap stuff. It's not the same, otherwise it wouldn't be cheap!

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