Sunday, November 23, 2008

Can you perdict a winter with persimmon seed?

On one of our weekend drives, we found a persimmon tree, and picked serval persimmons to see what the seeds had to say about our winter this year.
I have always heard that if you cut open a persimmon seed it will tell you what kind of winter you are going to have.
If you see a fork, it means a mild winter.
If you see a spoon, it means it will be a heavy winter with lots of snow.
If you see a knife, it means the winter will be cutting cold.

Apparently, no one else has heard this.....because when I talk about it, they have no idea what I'm talking about.

This is what we found..... SPOONS!!!

I hope the seeds are correct, because I would like to see some really good snow. I mean, to wake up at least one time, and know for a fact that "hey I can't make it to work....I get to stay home and play in the snow!" Not any of this snow dusting that melts in an hour of waking up. That's not too much to ask for right? Eveyone deserves a snow day!! I think, weekends we all have our chores to do... laundry, clean house, groc. etc, but if you get to stay at home on a weekday.....well that's a free day. Laze around all day if you want. Plus you just can't beat playing in the snow!!


The Lada Family said...

I have never heard that before either... dont' even know what a persimmon is. BUT... those are definitly spoons. I hope it's wrong cause it's cold enough for me already! I wouldn't mind some snow but just for 2 days then melt that crap and get warm!

Jim Methvin said...

I have used this method for years to check out what the winter would bring. It is an "Old Timers" method of predicting the winter. You guys did a great job of slicing those persimmions. It is not an easy task.